Numbers of Legal Occupations in Yakima, WA

Occupation group

Legal Occupations

Year Number
2005 340
2006 380
2007 400
2008 410
2009 390
2010 360
2011 330
2012 360
2013 370
2014 470
2015 240
2016 430
2017 400
2018 400
2019 450

Individual occupations


Year Number
2005 170
2006 160
2007 140
2008 120
2009 150
2010 200
2011 220
2012 170
2013 130
2014 200
2015 0
2016 210
2017 150
2018 180
2019 220

Judges, Magistrate Judges, and Magistrates

Year Number
2005 30
2008 30
2009 30
2010 30
2015 40
2016 40
2017 40
2018 40
2019 30

Paralegals and Legal Assistants

Year Number
2005 140
2006 190
2007 210
2008 190
2009 150
2010 130
2011 110
2012 150
2013 210
2014 220
2015 150
2016 140
2017 170
2018 180
2019 200

Title Examiners, Abstractors, and Searchers

Year Number
2005 0
2006 30
2007 50
2008 40
2009 30
2012 40
2013 30
2014 50
2015 50
2016 40
2017 40

Legal Support Workers, All Other

Year Number
2007 0
2008 30
2009 30
2010 0
2011 0
2012 0